Project Pause


Spreading calm across the globe……just 3 conscious breaths taken regularly can change your life and change the world

Stress has been named by the World Health Organization as the modern health epidemic, even before the current world events. Stress and corona Virus are in pandemic proportions.. Apart from unpredictable world events, lack of balance in life exacerbates stress., the fast-paced demands of modern life seem to make it impossible to achieve balance.

“Take time to smell the roses” and “Live in the present moment” are well known catch cries, but how many people take time to do this?

Too much stress affects your health, your mental well-being, your work, your relationships and your enjoyment of life.

When you are stressed, everyone around you suffers.

Imagine trying to read a book written with no commas or full stops. All the words running together and the story not making any sense. This is how most people live, we get up in the morning, rushing from one activity to the next, and fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. Long term, this is unsustainable, but as we have discovered you don’t have to take a holiday or make major life changes to bring more balance to your life.

There is a quick, easy and highly effective remedy!

Simply taking a few conscious breaths throughout the day, calms the mind and gives tangible relief from stress. It puts the commas and full stops into a busy day and allows for -

·       More calmness

·       More happiness

·       More energy

·       More peace

·       More clarity

But…as we know it is often the simplest of things that are the most challenging - Remembering to stop is difficult and forgetting, is easy.

So welcome to - “Project Pause”

Project pause came about when Lynn and I realized they we were not practicing what we were preaching.  Knowing the importance and benefits of being present and stopping regularly throughout the day and actually doing it, were out of sync. So we decided to text a “paws” emoji to each other as a reminder whenever we remembered to pause. When Lynn paused, she sent me a message and when I received a message I paused. Before long, we were pausing 15-20 times a day, just for a few seconds at a time. (That adds up to just 5-6 minutes per day in total) The more we pause and send the emoji, the more we remember and the calmer we feel. The movement is growing and we are experiencing an enormous benefit from this simple exercise. We have now invited more people to join, and so the ripple effect has begun.

“The important aspect however is that you don’t send a message, unless you actually pause.”

The feedback so far has been wonderful.

My stress levels have dropped”

“I feel so much calmer and clear headed throughout the day”

“I’m less tired by the end of the day”

“The joy factor has zoomed”

“I notice so much more beauty around me”

“It breaks the habit of mulling over stressful things”

“My body feels light, open and tingly. It’s delightful!”

All this from just taking a few conscious breaths regularly throughout the day!

Our goal is to get 1,000,000 pausing regularly throughout the day. Imagine the ripple effect of calm spreading across the globe from this simple act. Less stress means more happiness, more calm, more kindness and more enjoyment of life.

Instead of infecting others with your stress, you start to infect them with your calm.

A better life for each individual and a better world as a result.

Want to know more? Keen to try?

Message us to find out more




Boost your immunity and live well.