Ayurveda – a life of balance
Originating in India, Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old health science that teaches and guides us how to live a life of good health, balance and happiness. Using a vast expansive body of knowledge, Ayurveda shows us ways not only to prevent illness but also how acute and chronic diseases can be effectively treated. The knowledge, methods and practices have been passed down the generations by word of mouth and, through the scriptures written by authors such as Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata. In modern times these Sanskrit texts have been skillfully translated to modern language and through increasing awareness the Ayurvedic knowledge is now being taught and practiced throughout the world, both in the East and West.
Ayurveda works with the basic understanding of opposites – like increases like, but if we apply opposites we can decrease and balance. For example, put very simply: in excess heat we cool and if too dry, we add oil or moisture. By maintaining balance and equilibrium and avoiding excessiveness we can ensure that vitality, strong immunity and energy is provided for the mind and body.
Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to health and well-being. All areas of our life are addressed:
Daily routine
Yoga and Meditation
Herbal treatments
Body and mind treatments

What does Ayurveda have to offer you?
Holistic care to improve your health and well-being
Consultations and health assessments
Personalized health and lifestyle recommendation plans
Ongoing support and health with follow-up consultations
Therapeutic massages and traditional Ayurveda treatments
Lifestyle guidance
Dietary support and guidance
How is this provided to you?
Lifestyle modification
Prescription of kitchen and medicinal herbal medicines
Instructions for gentle yoga postures and breathing exercises
Prescription of Ayurvedic rejuvenative massage and detoxing treatments
Ayurveda uses a wide range of Mind and body treatments and techniques. Treatments are individually planned according to the specific needs of each individual client. In other words each treatment is tailor made just for you.
Commonly treated ailments:
• Disturbed sleep
• Body pain
• Body weight imbalances
• Fatigue
• Mental health
• Hormonal imbalance
• Stress
• Skin issues
• Digestive
• Headaches and migraines
Treatments offered at Uthana include:
Oil massage (Abhyanga)
Detoxifying dry powder massage (Udwarthana)
Marma point treatments
Shirodhara (head treatments)
Indian Head Massage
Beauty therapies
Detox programmes
Other specialised and targeted Ayurvedic treatments for specific ailments and conditions are also available after consultation.
Detox Programme
Ayurveda’s ancient knowledge covers every aspect of how we should live our lives. It’s one of the very few natural therapies that has been accepted and recognised by the World Health Organisation as being an authentic healing system in health care for modern people.
The knowledge and practice of Ayurveda provides us with deeply cleansing and life transforming detox practices (Panchakarma).
Panchakarma is a powerful and nurturing series of herbal treatments and massaging techniques that are specifically for balancing, detoxifying and restoring the human body.
There many short and long term health benefits to be gained for those who receive Panchakarma treatments.
In conjunction with Lee Zivanovic from AnAmaya Ayurveda, Dr Sumeet Sharma (B.A.M.S. Msc. Yoga Therapy) and Dr Jaspreet Singh Brar M.D. (Ayurveda Paediatrics), B.A.M.S. we are very pleased to be offering a range of personalised detox programmes for our clients. Whether it’s incorporating a weekly detox day to your routine, or participating in an intensive 2 - 3 week detox programme the benefits to your health will be significant and potentially life-changing.
To find out more about the programme and how we can help you click below for more information.
During your 60 minute initial consultation we will take the time to look at all aspects of your health and well-being. As part of your consultation you will receive a personalised Ayurvedic health plan. Your plan will give recommendation and practices that you can apply to your everyday living to make some gentle yet long-term and sustainable changes to your state of health and well-being. Our aim is to empower you to attain and maintain your optimum state of health and well-being.
Follow-up consultations, ongoing support, care and personalised programmes are an integral part of our service.
What people are saying
Beatrice’s personal and caring approach is what health care is all about. She is an excellent listener, is extremely knowledgeable and has given me a greater understanding and knowledge to look after my own health. I am very grateful to her for being there through the difficult and good times.
— Maria Pointon
I’ve never met a person with a more caring, loving and nurturing soul. Beatrice is incredible at what she does and makes you feel safe and welcome from the moment you walk in the door with a big warm hug. She cares so much for her clients and has an abundance of knowledge about the Ayurveda way of life. I always feel a sense of peace and calmness when I’m in her presence knowing I’m in the right place.
— Renae Gibson