Sound Therapy
So what actually is a Sound Bath?
A sound bath is an immersive full-body listening experience. It is designed to relax, release and deeply nourish the mind body and spirit. This experience will use a range of different sounds created by a variety of instruments to gently guide you to a deep relaxation for both the mind and the body. As you sink into the experience and “Bathe” into the sounds and vibrations you will invite yourself to be aware of the listening, aware of the sound resonance and in turn, allow your brain waves to slow, to relax, to shift from an active state to a more relaxed and dream-like state.
The sounds will be created by a variety of instruments including Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes, gongs and other overtone-emitting instruments.
This experience gives you the opportunity to take some time-out, to disconnect from the constant external distractions and allow yourself the opportunity to explore within, to connect with your Self. To stop. To relax.
A sound bath is a meditative experience and is safe for all. A gentle and easy way to dive into a deeply relaxing and self-healing state.
What to expect
· Guests will get themselves into a comfortable seated or lying down position.
· You will be guided through a relaxing breathing technique to bring you to a state of conscious awareness.
· You will then be immersed into a Sound Bath of soothing, flowing and deeply relaxing sounds where you are invited just to relax and simply Be.
Book Full Moon Sound Bath
Come and experience the beautiful new Mitcham council Blackwood Library 'TIWU KUMANGKA' and join me for a magical evening to bathe in relaxing tones to soothe the body and calm the mind.
The fast-paced demands of modern life can often leave us feeling drained, overwhelmed, depleted and overall exhausted!
In order for us make the long term changes that we intuitively know we need but extrinsically don’t allow ourselves, we need total immersion of change and new routine.
In collaboration with Lynn Riedel and Intentional Health I am super excited to be able to offer you a series of workshops and retreats to renew, enliven, energise and regain the wonder and awe in your life.
Never done a retreat before? Not problem, our retreats are suitable for all levels, irrespective of previous experience with either yoga, mindfulness or meditation.
Sound appealing?
Yoga - Ayurveda - Meditation
Cultural Immersion - Cooking - Mindfulness - Peace and rest
… and more!
Wellness Retreats
Stay tuned
Gardening - grow your own Ayurvedic herbs
Daily routine and self-care
How to meditate
and more.
Community support
The Ripple Effect - start with one small positive change and observe the effect.
How can we help the community?
What do you need?
Is there a holistic health service that can be provided for you, your family, your friends, or your community?
Send me a message with your thoughts and ideas.
What people are saying about their retreat experience
Did the retreat meet your expectations and if so how?
“Yes I loved it, it has changed the rest of my life by being more connected with myself & my family, practicing self care & learning how to be present in the now.”
- Pam
What did you enjoy?
“Everything, cooking class was fabulous. Meditation, yoga, pausing being still, the session on the body of pain was a real epiphany for me. I now have some real tools to deal with it when it presents - just fantastic. Thank you.”
- Lynne